English Rubrics


Assignment ObjectivesÞ

Paper does not fulfill assignment requirements


The paper lacks a main idea.


The appropriate audience(s) is (are) not addressed.


The writer’s purpose is not evident.

Paper partially fulfills assignment requirements.


Main idea is not clearly presented or is not maintained.


The appropriate audience(s) is (are) not consistently addresses.


The writer’s purpose is sometimes vague or not focused.

Paper fulfills all the assignment requirements.


The paper presents and maintains a main idea.


The writer consistently addresses appropriate audience(s).


The writer’s purpose is clear and specific.






Organization & Development: Adequate details, well-organized, consistent focusÞ



Opening does not support the focus of the paper.


Transitional words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs are absent or inappropriate.


Most of the ideas are not logically connected.


Paragraph breaks are illogical or do not exist.


Details are insufficient in quality to develop the main idea.


Details are insufficient in quantity to develop the main idea.


The paper ends without closing.

Opening does not adequately support the focus of the paper.


Transitional words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs are sometimes absent or inappropriate.


Some ideas are not logically connected.


Sometimes paragraph breaks are illogical or do not support idea flow.


Details are sometimes insufficient in quality to develop the main idea.


The closing of the paper is incomplete or inadequate.

Opening supports the focus of the paper.


Transitional words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs are present and appropriate.


Ideas are logically connected, e.g., ideas are tightly stitched together.


Paragraph breaks support the flow of ideas.


Details are sufficient in quality to develop the main idea.


Details are sufficient to in quantity to develop the main idea.


The closing completes the paper







Language:  Appropriate for the context and audience Þ


Word choice is inaccurate and/or inappropriate for the intended audience.


Sentence construction is inappropriate.


Sentences do not vary in length.


Word choice is sometimes inaccurate and/or inappropriate for the intended audience.


Sentence construction is sometimes inappropriate.


Sentences vary in length infrequently.

Word choice is accurate and appropriate for the intended audience.


Sentence construction is appropriate for the assignment.


Sentences vary in length.


Grammar and Mechanics:  Observation of standard edited english Þ



Many sentences are grammatically incorrect.


Many sentences have mechanical errors.

Some sentences are grammatically incorrect.


Some sentences have mechanical errors.

Sentences are grammatically correct.


Sentences are mechanically correct (punctuation, spelling, capitalization).



Miscellaneous:  Areas particular to the assignment



Originality:  Mundane


References are not cited, or citations do not reflect assigned style.


Other criteria specific to assignment: ___________________

Originality:  Expected


References are inconsistent, or citations sometimes do not reflect assigned style.



Originality: Approaching “Unique”


References are consistent, and citations reflect the assigned style (MLA, APA, etc.)





Cognitive Level and Quality of Writing Assessment (CLAQWA), © 2002 University of South Florida - Authors T.L. Flateby & E.A. Metzger.